Complete sequence of a 38.4-kb human cosmid insert containing the polymorphic marker DXS455 from Xq28.

TitleComplete sequence of a 38.4-kb human cosmid insert containing the polymorphic marker DXS455 from Xq28.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1995
AuthorsAndersson, B, Lu, F, Muzny, DM, Warren, ST, Gibbs, RA
JournalDNA Seq
Date Published1995
KeywordsBacteriophage M13, Base Sequence, Cosmids, DNA, Gene Library, Genetic Markers, Humans, Minisatellite Repeats, Molecular Sequence Data, Repetitive Sequences, Nucleic Acid, X Chromosome

The complete DNA sequence of a cosmid mapping to human Xq28 (DXS455) has been determined using a shotgun approach (genbank accession number: L31948). The cosmid insert is 38.4 kb in length, and contains several repetitive sequences, including a highly repetitive region located in a fragment previously shown to contain a polymorphic VNTR locus, as well as short di- and tri-nucleotide repeats. In addition to the previously known VNTR locus, a CA-repeat and an unusual 800-bp repetitive region have been found to be polymorphic. The repeated sequence mapping to the site of the VNTR locus spans 480 bp in the cosmid. In addition to several AT-dinucleotide stretches, this repeat has four copies of a 25 bp repeat unit and flanking sequences similar to this 25-mer. No expressed sequences have so far been identified in this cosmid.

Alternate JournalDNA Seq
PubMed ID7626781
Grant ListR01 HG00823-01A1 / HG / NHGRI NIH HHS / United States

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